Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm Feeling Sick...

It all started on Monday. The minute I stepped into work, I noticed everyone around me sneezing and coughing. Then I started to sneeze a lot. Usually, I pop a Claritin and I’m fine since this takes care of my environmental, indoor allergies. It stopped the sneezing but by the end of the day, I noticed a sore throat.

As a result, starting yesterday, I started pouring vitamins into my body. My daily regimen to thwart a cold includes:

  • Drinking lots of water, on top of the large amount I usually have. This is annoying as it results in me having to go the bathroom way too much (I know, too much information)
  • Taking Airborne in Power Pixies form. In case you’re wondering, I can’t stand drinking regular Airborne because it’s too chalky, grainy and gross. So they have children’s version that you take like pixie stix. It’s actually pretty decent although the bubble gum flavor is horrendous.
  • Taking Hall Defense drops with vitamin C, Echinacea and Zinc. These can only be taken once every four hours so I’ve been taking just regular vitamin C drops in between the Halls Defense drops.

    I think the combination of all these supplements are giving me around a 1000 percent of the vitamin C I need on a daily basis. I hope that I’m successful in nipping any potential cold in the bud, before it progresses past just a sore throat. I’d be disappointed to find out that the only good I’m doing is just peeing large amounts of vitamin C each day. At least I’ll have no fear of getting scurvy!


Russell Sprout said...

Yesterday I sneezed in class and then I noticed a snot rocket on my elbow.

I am a very classy teacher.

bcallegra said...

You've always been a classy lady!

I miss seeing your posts - you need to tell us about how Thanksgiving goes at the in-laws.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling better! You need to be in tiptop shape for shopping :)

bcallegra said...

I'm always up for shopping even when I feel like crap. That's why I'm dragging my butt out of bed in 6 hours - ugh!