Friday, January 16, 2009

Orange Lunch

I was originally supposed to have a hot pocket for lunch yesterday but it ended up slipping out of my hands and landing on the floor as I was trying to stuff it into its microwave sleeve. I hate the new hot pocket sleeves.

Anyway, I headed down to the cafeteria to grab something else to supplement my lunch and I spotted butternut squash soup with Granny Smith apples. I love butternut squash soup but find that some recipes are too bland or conversely, too spicy (blech to Whole Food's butternut squash, orange and ginger soup). This batch looked nice and thick and I was intrigued by the addition of apples.

As I sat down to eat, I realized that everything I was eating happened to be orange, matching my shirt. This included:
  • the soup (very yummy!)
  • an orange
  • cheddar and sour cream Baked Lay's

Alas, I went with a Diet Dr. Pepper (got to have my caffeine) rather than orange juice as my beverage of choice.

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