Sunday, April 5, 2009

True Love - Kashi Bars

Alright, you've heard me rave about Kashi's Cherry Dark Chocolate granola bars over and over.

Andrew and I love them because they're delicious, relatively healthy and easy to transport, which makes them invaluable for Andrew when he's busy at work and can't get away for a meal and perfect for me to have for breakfast at work with my daily cup of yogurt.

When we saw Target had them on sale today, we decided to stock up:

Why 17 boxes? That's how much we could fit into our baskets on top of everything else we were getting at Target. These boxes can cost around $4 in a supermarket and around $5-$6 online, so it was well worth it to get them on sale at Target. The sad thing is that we'll probably finish these off in a month. Ok, maybe two months, if I ration myself to one a day.


Anonymous said...

I would make fun of you for buying all of the Kashi bars at Target, but then I remembered that I am the daughter of a man who once bought a five pound can of pudding and thought better of it.

Russell Sprout said...

girl-as long as they aren't fiberone bars...