Friday, February 20, 2009

More Free Stuff

Courtesy of my friends at BzzAgent:

I can't wait to see the Fabric Sweeper for Pet Hair in action, because it sounds like it's fun to use. As opposed to using sticky sheets (which never seem to work on my common lint rollers), the Fabric Sweeper is a handheld device that you hold and sweep over surfaces using short strokes. In fact, one PledgeFabric Sweeper picks up as much pet hair as 145 sticky roller sheets. I'm also how well it works on human hair, since I have plenty of that clinging to surfaces in my house. And the thing I find amazing is that the Fabric Sweeper is supposed to be self-cleaning. As you go in one direction, one roller picks up the pet hair from the surface. When you go in the other direction, the second roller cleans off the first and pushes the pet hair inside.

I think it will be really satisfying (and gross at the same time) to pull out the big wad of hair at the end of a cleaning session.

I was also pleasantly surprised to see a free bottle of Pledge's new multi-surface cleaner, which I didn't know was going to be included in this Bzz campaign. I have no loyalty to any particular cleaner, I tend to buy anything that is on sale or the cheapest. However, I think I'm really going to like Pledge's cleaner because it can be used on anything, like:
  • Wood
  • Wood Laminate
  • Plastics
  • Stainless Steel
  • Glass
  • Mirrors
  • Electronics
  • Granite

It's supposed to have an anti-static formula, which will be good for cleaning electronics and most importantly, it won't leave a residue.

And the best part is that I scored the Rainshower scent rather than Lavendar, which is a scent I tend to dislike since it smells too musky to me.

(In case you're wondering, yes, I'm using this post as a Bzz report.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i need that!!! i sat down in that purple chair in the dining room the other night, and when i got up, i had about an inch-thick layer of benben hair all over my back/bum. DISGUSTING.