Sunday, June 12, 2011

Still Looking...

Andrew and I spent the weekend condo-hunting for my parents, more like pre-screening places for them to check out once they're back in MA this summer (!)

One of the places we checked out in a highly desirable suburb of Boston looked beautiful from a distance - Andrew thought it had a Southern plantation feel, and I agreed.

It was more like a Southern plantation then we realized (think glory of years past), because as you got closer, you could see signs of neglect (peeling paint, crumbling plaster) and it got worse inside with huge structural issues like sloping floors, bowed columns, and rotting wood.

Farewell Tara, we'll continue our search for a place for my parents to live. Luckily, we had a few good prospects out of the seven places we looked at this weekend.


Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Check out the status of the condo association before they buy. If they are not collecting their fees, or have proper insurance coverage, it could be hard to sell. When we sold our dog house we found out the hard way

bcallegra said...

Will do! Our first thought at this place was why would anyone pay condo fees here, since it clearly wasn't being put into maintenance? No point in pouring money into a unit if the whole building is going to crumble around you...