Friday, July 15, 2011

BC's Memorial Labyrinth

I feel extremely old each time I visit BC and realize that there is something new there that didn't exist when I was going to school there.  Breena had two simple requests for her visit in Boston - a hike (which we accomplished in the Blue Hills sans camera) and a visit to BC's labyrinth.  I was confused when she mentioned it, because when I was a student, the labyrinth was a temporary thing built each year, which consisted of lines applied (painted?) onto a lawn.  What I didn't realize was that BC had built a permanent labyrinth in 2003.

It was built as a memorial to the 22 BC alumni who lost their lives during 9/11, and there is a plaque that bears their names.

The shape of the labyrinth had significance for Breena - its design is modeled after a 13th-century labyrinth laid in stone on the floor of the nave of Chartres Cathedral in France.  She even has a tattoo of the same labyrinth on her leg (shame on me for forgetting to take a photo of it!

What's neat about the labyrinth's pattern is that there is only one way in, which is the way out, and the path that you follow takes the longest possible way to arrive at the center. This give plenty of time for the walker to meditate and get lost in one's thoughts.

This is what you see when arrive in the center (BC's seal). I was touched by what looked to be remnants of flowers laid at the center. I also have to attest to the fact that although the labyrinth is located next to a busy corner of Comm Ave, all the noise fades away you are walking the labyrinth's path.

Another touching sight - the names of the 22 alumni are also etched in the outer ring of the labyrinth. I found it especially poignant that the remnants of the morning rain were fading last from the names, calling your attention to them.

It was a a nice moment of peace in a busy weekend.

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