Sunday, September 13, 2009

House Hunting Hiccup

I'm not feeling in the mood to disclose much at this point, but in our fourth day of house hunting (today), Andrew and I found a house that we both fell in love with. After a few frantic hours of talking to our agent and our mortgage broker, we made an offer. With literally less than an hour of basking in the glow of the offer and cautiously getting our hopes up, we found out that our offer wasn't accepted due to what we suspect to be shady dealings on the part of the seller's agent. She informed us that the house was already under agreement (she was contacted DURING today's open house by our agent) and we are given no chance to raise our offer, which we were definitely prepared to - and counting on - doing.

Our offer was only on the table for less than an hour, but we had the whole afternoon to discuss the house and our plans for filling it. Sigh, it's back to the house hunting grind for us. I keep telling myself that maybe karma will bite the agent's butt and the deal will fall through or we'll find a house that's even better. Keep your fingers crossed for us!


Jen said...

Hang in there! House hunting is FRUSTRATING! For our first house, we put an offer on 4 places before one was even accepted. Looking back, it was a blessing in disguise, but at the time it was very frustrating.

bcallegra said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement! It's silly that we're so worked up, especially since we had never imagined finding a place that we like so much so quickly. But I've been telling Andrew the same thing, that we must be fated for something better. All the same, it's great to hear from someone who's been through the same frustrating process. :)

sharonwue said...

It's just a bump in the road. Actually, if you got the house right at the beginning of your search, years from now you would be second-guessing what else you could have bought.