Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Latest Etsy Find

During this whole wedding planning process, I've spent many an hour looking over all sorts of random stuff on Etsy. For those of you who have never heard of Etsy, it's a website (similar to Ebay but without the bidding) where people sell their handcrafted items and skills. You can find anything from graphic design service to jewelry to food to art, basically anything you can imagine.

My latest purchase was thank you cards for my bridal shower. I ended up going with simple white cards with a letterpressed "thank you" on top (I'm currently addicted to letterpressing):

This may seem a little boring for someone that loves color (lots of it and in bright shades!) but I literally searched two weeks for the right card before I settled on these.  The selling point? The envelopes!

The envelopes are recycled and made from pages of actual wedding magazines, which I thought was visually neat while being environmentally friendly. It was fun to see the assortment of ads (which appeared to come from an issue of Martha Stewart Weddings) that came in my order, and the envelopes themselves had been cut by a machine and formed into actual envelopes down to the glue on the flap.  A sign that this order was meant to be, one of the envelopes detailed a wedding with Korean bride (complete with pictures of hanboks, traditional Korean dresses) so that was the obviously the one I used for my sister's thank you note. 

I have a strong feeling this addiction to Etsy will continue after I'm married, although I hopefully won't be spending as much money on things (and not as frequently!)

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